Son of Connie Akagi Lundy and Claude Lundy. Oldest brother of Joe Brigham and John Lundy. Grandson of Joe and Eunice Akagi. Tim was born in Juneau, Alaska. Proud to be Native American, he often used his Tlingit name: Anauke.
He graduated from Ballard High School. After high school, Tim joined the workforce – working several different jobs. One of his favorite jobs was working for Goldbelt Corporation on the Wilderness Adventure out of Juneau, Alaska. After leaving this job, Tim chose to pursue his passion as a cook. He worked for several different companies, mastering kitchen staff roles. He enjoyed working for the Seattle Seahawks as a cook.
Tim was a free spirit, who always led with his heart. If you were a friend of Tim’s, there was nothing he wouldn’t do for you. Tim was known to give anything and everything he had to his friends. If one of his friends was in need, Tim was the first to offer a hand or help financially. Tim grew up in Ballard, spending his summers at Golden Gardens with his brothers, Joe and John. They would leave the house in the morning, swing by Loyal Heights Rec Center, have lunch, then go to the beach until dinner time.
Most recently, Tim moved to Tennessee to help a friend. While there, he took a job at Jack’s Restaurant and was training for a management position before becoming ill with COVID-19. Tim fought COVID-19 with all he had, but, eventually, the illness took his life. Rest in peace Tim (Anauke) Brigham.