Kennedy High School Class of 1971 50 year reunion set for Sept 15
It's been 50 years since the second class to graduate from Kennedy High School have gotten together to revisit old memories and compare notes. Now the reunion is set for Sept 15, 2021.
Sat, 05/29/2021
The years 1967-1971 were transformative years in this country. The times they were a changing. The Vietnam war protests, civil rights marches, the Chicago Seven, the first Earth Day, and the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. We also witnessed the moon landing, Woodstock, the first black woman elected to Congress (Shirley Chisholm), and the NY Jets winning the Super Bowl. As the Buffalo Springfield sang “Something’s happening here, what it is ain’t exactly clear”. What we do know is that it was a very interesting era.
These were the events happening outside of Kennedy High School, which certainly impacted us, but our high school years went on. We were only the second class to graduate from Kennedy, a newly built high school that grew from one class of freshmen to a full four-year school by the time we were Juniors. We showed up daily, the girls in their uniforms with the pleated skirts and the boys in slacks and dress shirts. No jeans, corduroys or t-shirts allowed. No long hair permitted on the boys and no short skirts for the girls. And a principal who roamed the halls enforcing these rules.
The teachers had high expectations and supported us in achieving those expectations. Some of us were involved in extracurricular activities such as drill team, debate club, drama, and athletics. Others went to school and at the end of the day worked a part time job. Many of us attended the occasional dances on Friday nights enjoying live bands such as Merilee and the Turnabouts, swaying to “Angel of the Morning”.
Then there were the formal events. The boys wearing their rented tuxes, several with pastel-colored coats, and the girls in their gowns going to the Homecomings, Tolos and Proms. And we can’t forget the occasional retreats. The way high school should be.
That was then, this is now. Fifty years later we are about to gather again. The old cliques will be gone, like the classmates who have passed on before us, and we will all share about our lives post-graduation and reminisce about those high school years.
Kennedy Class of ’71 Reunion Information
Yes, it’s actually been 50 years since we all gathered for our graduation and it’s time to get together again. Please plan to attend. It will be great to see everybody. Details are below.
Reunion Date: 9/15/2021 (Wednesday)
Location: Cedarbrook Lodge, 18525 36th Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98188
Event: Dinner, Dancing and Celebration Video Presentation, Livestream will be made available. Cash bar.
Time: 5 pm to 11 pm
Attire: Comfortable/Casual/No Sequins
FYI: No need to stay at the Lodge to attend. Many other hotels in the vicinity. Spouses/Dates/Friends invited.
Cost: Payment of $125 needed in advance, as soon as possible! The contract with the facility requires deposits on a regular basis.
If you need a financial boost to be able to attend, alumni are already contributing extra funds to support those who do.
Any amount over $125 will be considered a contribution.
Facebook: Class of 1971 (Private group, easy access to)
Payment method: Venmo @KennedyReunion1971 or by check payable to Marcee Stone-Vekich. If paying by check, email or call/text Marcee for her mailing address. ( , 206.465.1963)
Please feel free to contact Marcee if you have questions about the reunion.
You're also encouraged to attend the event below on Tuesday, Sept. 14:
Happy Hour Welcome
Date: September 14, 2021
Angelo's of Burien
5 - 7pm - Light appetizers & no-host bar