January 2006

Use caution, legislators

As the Washington State Legislature entered its even-year, short 60-day session, the time has come for our lawmakers to distinguish themselves as leaders and not simply an egotistical mob bent on self-preservation.

But that does not mean they should behave as our editorial cartoon suggested last week, creating a spending tsunami.


Artist lofts filled before opening

Like a palette with an array of colorful pigment ready to express a painter's inspiration, the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center is about to change the West Seattle arts scene.

The grand opening of the four-story facility is planned for Feb. 24.

The new center used to be the old Cooper Elementary School near the northern end of Delridge Way Southwest. Construction workers have been busy for months turning the building's classrooms into 36 live-in art studios.


Poulsen has clout as environment chairman

The Washington Legislature went back into session this week and West Seattle's Sen. Erik Poulsen, focuses frequently on environmental issues, an arena where he has clout as chairman of the Senate Water, Energy and Environment Committee.

Poulsen wants to push alternative fuels such as biodiesel and ethanol. Biodiesel could be made from canola seed oil or mustard seed, two crops that grow well in Washington and need little irrigation. Ethanol is made from fermented wheat and other plants.


Class teaches mutual respect

A functional and happy parent-to-child relationship comes from relating to and respecting your children, not controlling them.

This is the foundation of Sanity Circus, a seven-week parenting course coming to West Seattle this month.

The courses are sponsored by the Puget Sound Adlerian Society and the Seattle Council of Parent Teacher Associations and have been offered in many Seattle neighborhoods over the past 24 years.

Sanity Circus carries with it the fundamentals of Adlerian Psychology to help parents develop a more positive relationship with their childre



In the Jan. 4 issue of the West Seattle Herald in the article "Viaduct plan must come soon" it is stated that Patrice Gillespie Smith of the Seattle Department of Transportation said, "The city has been trying to reduce the tunnel's price tag by removing the replacement of the Alaskan Way Seawall from immediate construction plans, reducing the cost to $3.5 billion." It should have stated that the Alaskan Way Seawall replacement is part of the city's immediate tunnel construction plans and will be included in the initial costs of the project.


Martin Luther King Jr. Remembered

Martin Luther King, Jr. (Jan.15, 1929-April 4, 1968) is remembered for giving hope that our nation might strive for justice and equality. Now, 37 years after his assassination, King's mission is just as powerful and important to groups in Seattle that continue to fight for equality and who hold Dr. King's message as a pillar of hope that our nation, and world, will some day be free from prejudice.

"We have grown as a nation," said Rev. Dr. Samuel McKinney of the Mount Zion Baptist Church in Seattle. "But Dr. King's message has not been totally realized in our nation yet.


Get involved - and bring your kids

Since becoming a parent, my list of New Year's resolutions has changed completely. Before, it was likely to be an actual list written in colorful gel ink in a notebook full of other lists, favorite quotes, and half-written letters. It would include just a few ambitious resolutions, like "Quit smoking" or "Contact congress members at least once a month" or "Every day: sit-ups, pray, floss teeth."

Now my 'list' just tends to float through my head as I'm falling asleep at night. It's longer, less specific, and I can never recall the whole thing at once.
