March 2006

Open UW Campus Nearby

I am writing to your paper about your article on the Spokane Street Viaduct (Feb. 15, 2006).

I wish to remind you that I've read in the past few years of a shortage of 10,000 slots at the University of Washington.

I ask how many of the 110,000 vehicles traveling the Alaskan Way Viaduct are destined for the U of W?

Teacher Supports Highline Levy

I have four reasons for voting Yes on Highline School District's bond election on March 14th.

Reason 1: Replacement of the kitchen, refurbishment of the historic dining hall, and replacing the aging water tank at Camp Waskowitz cannot be put off any longer. Originally built in 1935, as a Civilian Conservation Corps facility, Camp Waskowitz is one of only a small handful of intact CCC camps remaining in the United States. In 1997, Camp Waskowitz was listed on both the King County and National registers of Historic places.

Approve Highline Bonds

Once again the community of the Highline School District has the opportunity to show its support for children and schools. And once again, the district is asking for voters to step up to the plate and vote Yes to support the bond issue to rebuild schools in desperate need of remodeling and repair.

What a great opportunity of show our children that the nicest buildings in the community don't have to be the banks.


Enjoyed 'In Transition'

I enjoyed the article "Bus would deprive me of sleep" in the Feb. 15th issue of the West Seattle Herald. I was quite impressed with the authors' literary skills. And even more so when I read that articles were written bi-monthly. I found the article tweaking a few nerves to respond.

I'm sure you've heard the "I had to walk six miles to school everyday and both ways were up hill" statements made to young students lamenting about having to take the bus to school; let alone those who actually had to walk to school. Well, here comes another one from the generation after that one.



NO: 06-4-01538-7SEA


RCW 11.40.030, .020

In the matter of the estate of: ESTHER S. PERRY, Deceased.

The personal representative named below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate and probate proceedings are pending in King County Superior Court, Case No. 06-4-01538-7SEA.

Six teen robbers nabbed

With the arrest of six local students, police officials think they have put a stop to a number of teen-on-teen robberies that took place in greater West Seattle in recent weeks.

Four of the suspects are West Seattle High School students, and a fifth attends Cleveland High School, which is temporarily located on Delridge Way.

"Let's hope it 'breaks the back' of this nonsense," said Capt. Mike Fann, head of the Seattle Police Department's Southwest Precinct.
