April 2006

Of receipts, curfews and accidents

Lucky me, I am married to a grocery checkout stand receipt examiner.

Yesterday we were at a super market standing in line behind one other woman. I decided to leave Elsbeth and wait in the walkway aisle. We were in the maximum 10-item line so as I watched a woman in front of Elsbeth got into a debate over the receipt and had to have an adjustment. Then as she emerged I decided to have some fun with her and I said " Madam, I am afraid I will have to take you to the manager.


Cheers for chocolate

Chocolate: Trainer approved. Really! That is dark not milk chocolate with caramel, marshmallows, and a cherry-liquor filling. If we could all eat a little more than our weight and our world might be a little lighter.

I want you to do an experiment for yourself. Try about 100-200 calories of 60- to 80-percent dark chocolate, any brand. Likely it will be alternative and more expensive than what you're used to paying.

Notice how you feel during and after you eat it. Do you feel a little lift, maybe even euphoric? Try it after dinner for dessert.


Our worst nightmare

Many faithful readers of the Herald wondered why we so strongly supported the monorail. You are seeing the reasons coming forward now as we all wonder how we will get downtown under the plan the state has drawn up for the tunnel that will allow that ugly and unsafe Alaskan Way Viaduct to be consigned to the dustbin of history.

The proposal not only will cost more than twice what we have in hand to pay for it, but construction will maroon many daily commuters from downtown, forcing arduous trips around the natural and man-made barriers between here and there.


The Mayor Blows it in his own backyard!

What if you hosted a party then decided not to come? That's what dear Mayor Greg did to his own neighbors in West Seattle last Wednesday night. Not only did I get a card stating that the Mayor was hosting a town hall meeting (along with Jan Drago and the Seattle Department of Transportation), but he took the time to leave a message on my answering machine inviting me to the event as well. (OK maybe it was a taped invitation!) His message was clear - come and talk about Seattle's transportation system.


The cost is too great

Good grief Charlie Brown!

Last time I looked the viaduct was and I assume still is a state route not a City of Seattle street. Does Mr. Licata and the supporters of tear down and don't replace really think the State of Washington cares if some big boys in downtown Seattle want that view property?

By putting the tear option on the ballot it will not only split the vote but if it should pass the end result will be years of litigation in the courts and during that time the cost of both other options will sky rocket.

I do agree with Mr.

Water Taxi an option

When the viaduct is torn down, West Seattle residents will no doubt face a difficult commute. The Water Taxi can become an essential transportation option at that point.

I think a larger moorage pier dedicated to the Water Taxi should be built soon, in advance of the demolition of the viaduct. The Water Taxi should be run year-round as a permanent passenger-only ferry.


Viaduct neighbors should pay

I have been listening and watching lately to all the controversy surrounding the Alaska Way Viaduct, whether to rebuild above ground or build a $4.9-plus billion tunnel as proposed by our own Mayor Nickels.

The cost and method of payment has seemed to be at the center of the discussion. In all this discussion I have been surprised that the most obvious and sensible source of financing a new tunnel has not even been discussed.


Kinder, gentler


I enjoyed your article about Toastmasters (Jerry's View, March 29) and your Toastmaster experience. But I feel it is important for me to correct some wrong impressions that readers who are not Toastmasters might have gotten in reading your article.

I liked that you told about the men that were in your group and how they went on to be successful business and professional citizens.

Right turns a worry

I am delighted that the city has decided to keep our walk all ways crosswalk at the Junction.

However, I am concerned about the addition of turn on red at California and Alaska. One of the things that makes that walk way safe is that no cars, at all, cross during the pedestrian time.

I also vote to keep the mid block crosswalks. They are long blocks and shopping both sides of the street is increased with that increased assess ability. I wonder if the city checked their records about accidents there.