February 2007

Schools are gasping

We are wondering how many candidates are lining up to take over from Seattle Superintendent of Schools Raj Manhas. We wonder because it appears that anyone who takes this job may simply be unable to lift our schools out of the ash heap, no matter how experienced they are.

Blaming this superintendent for doing - or trying to do - what he was asked to do would the the height of hypocracy. He was told to unwind the financial problems of his predecessors and to set the district on a firm financial path. He did that, even while angering many parents over school closures.



Reconnect downtown and waterfront

The March 13 Advisory Ballot is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to tear down a 50-year-old wall, reconnect downtown with its waterfront, and show the next generation that we had the courage and foresight to make smart decisions about Seattle's future.

In order to that, our votes must be clear and united: NO on a louder, uglier and noisier elevated viaduct.

According to the Washington State Department of Transportation, the proposed elevated viaduct will be taller, up to 50 percent wider, have greater environmental impact, and


Vote for the viaduct

The campaign to convert the Seattle's waterfront into a park and boulevard is getting set to swing into high gear. The choice is no longer between a tunnel or a viaduct but rather is Alaskan Way to serve the 120,000 cars that use it every day or to become a row of million dollar condominiums facing a park.

Over 50 years ago the people realized that highway 99, the main highway through Seattle, could not continue to carry more and more cars through the city on Fourth Avenue.

The '30s at Hamilton

I was most interested to read your article in the Feb 14 issue ("Hamilton will be renovated"). I attended what was then called Alexander Hamilton Junior High School from September 1936 to June 1939. I question the graduate who watched the construction of the Aurora Bridge. The Aurora Bridge was built in the 1930s.

In the 1930s the boys and girls attended separate classes. We even had our own hall.


Zoo garage foes protest at meeting

The Woodland Park Zoo's controversial parking garage project was not on the agenda during their Transportation Demand Management plan open house recently, but a group of 60 people with protest signs showed up to voice their opinions anyways.

Jim Bennett, Woodland Park Zoo's director of communications said the meeting was held to discuss how the zoo would manage transportation, parking and promotion of alternative ways to get to the zoo. Zoo staff and consultants talked about zoo materials and advertising to get more people to take buses, walk or ride bicycles.


New Swedish Hospital chief executive is chosen

Dr. Rodney F. Hochman has been selected as the new president and chief executive officer of Swedish Hospital.

Hochman is currently executive vice president of Sentara Healthcare, a major medical system with seven acute-care hospitals, 1,722 beds and 17,000 employees based in Norfolk, Va. He has held this position since 2004, after beginning his tenure at Sentara as the organization's chief medical officer and senior vice president in 1998.


Bus service increase following election win

King County Metro Transit has increased bus service thanks to a transit initiative recently approved by voters.

In the Ballard area, Transit Now will finance added service to the Route 44 between Ballard, Wallingford and the University District. Metro will be increasing early evening service on the Route 44 on weekdays to achieve a 15-minute frequency.

The Transit Now sales-tax increase passed at the polls in November, and will allow Metro to increase bus service in King County by up to 20 percent over the next 10 years.
