May 2007

State offers cancer vaccine for 11- and 12-year-old girls

The human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine and a vaccine that protects young children against rotavirus are now available at no cost to children in our state. The two new vaccines give parents the ability to protect their children against two potentially serious diseases.

"We must do what we can to keep our children safe and healthy," said Governor Chris Gregoire.


Business Open House slated for next Tuesday, June 5th

The Greater West Seattle "Neighbors in Business" Open House is set for Tuesday, June 5, from 5 to 8 p.m. in the Brockey Conference Center at South Seattle Community College in West Seattle. Businesses from throughout West Seattle and White Center will be on hand to meet, greet and introduce the public to their services. Last year the event was held in the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center but with the growth of the Open House it was moved to the Brockey Center.

Over 35 businesses will be in attendance this year with several from the White Center area for the first time.


Candidates filing for office begins June 4

For the first time in history, Washington political candidates will file for office in June. Candidate filing week begins June 4 and ends on June 8.

In previous years, candidates filed for office the last week of July for a September primary election. This year's earlier filing period is necessary because the primary election will be held in August.

"This year's August primary is a milestone in elections history, that will enfranchise voters and strengthen elections," said Secretary of State Sam Reed.


Do as I say

Two local sisters have different child-rearing methods. One believes in reasoning with her children; the other believes that a smack on the hand is sometimes necessary. On Thursday, the sister who advocates "reason" was booked into King County Jail for investigation of assault. It seems she tried to persuade her sister that reason was a superior form of discipline. How? By choking her.

Two Burien residents are in King County Jail for investigation of rape of a child after one was found with two missing girls, ages 12 and 14.

Ballard's newspaper past began with News Echo

Though it represents just a small portion of this newspaper's past and this community's story, the Ballard News-Tribune would like to pay homage to the newspapers that reported to the community both up to and after Ballard annexed to Seattle in 1907.

In reality, this week's historic banner on Page 1 and above - or this special issue can't accurately capture all that that means.

But it can be said that despite the challenges presented through new media, television and radio, Ballard has maintained even to this day the tradition of a neighborhood newspaper - one that actual


Denny and Bell in early Seattle

In December of 1852 David and Arthur Denny and William Bell set off to explore the area north of Elliott Bay searching for good land. Bell, discouraged by the exhausting job of fighting through the incredibly dense vegetation and cold steady rain, turned back around 2 p.m.

The brothers continued on until they reached the tidewater, called Shilshole by the native residents. This is the first time on record that Shilshole was seen by Euro-Americans. The settlers soon named the tidewater Salmon Bay because of the huge seasonal salmon runs.



Salmon Bay Charlie because Seattle's most popular and most photographed Indian after the death of Chief Seattle's daughter, Princess Angeline, in 1896. The open weave of the utility baskets he holds allows for water to drain from clams as in the right hand basket.


A bit of the past, for you

We proudly present you with a small glimpse at the past of the place we know and love, even with its problems, its challenges and its drawbacks.

It was a challenge to put all this together for you in the context of a 16 page newspaper when it really should be done in a new version of Passport to Ballard that was published in 1988.
