June 2007

At The Admiral - 'Away From Her' a sharp picture

Given a choice, would you really want to spend your evening as entertainment watching a person descend into the mental oblivion of Alzheimer's? In the case of "Away from Her" playing at the Admiral, the answer is "yes" - decidedly so.

In this affecting film by Sarah Polley the first hints of Alzheimer's invade the marriage of Grant (Gordon Pinsent) and Fiona Anderson (Julie Christie). Fiona can't recall simple things - a name or where the skillet should be stored. As the symptoms progress, Grant struggles to hold onto their old life.


Trainer's Corner - In pursuit of a fitness enthusiast

West Seattleite and legend, Peter Beeson, is the kind of fitness enthusiast I have always been in the pursuit of.

I can't claim him as my own, in that I did not raise him as my client. I simply found him at possibly the height of his six-year fitness career.

At his heaviest, six years ago, he tipped the scales at roughly 350 pounds and was once a size XXX-Large+2. Today, he is 170 pounds and a size medium. That alone is impressive to most. This is what is impressive to me. He found his passion in cycling.


City Council mischief

What is it at City Hall that keeps making the City Council stop worrying about the real problems of the citizens, like the accelerated loss of affordable rental housing, to get mired in another boondoggle.

The latest one actually was born in the mayor's office in an obvious over reaction to problems in the downtown war zone also known as Pioneer Square. There were real problems in that area with drunken crowds of crazies running amok.


Pave entire street

Editor's note: this letter was addressed to officials of the City of Seattle with a copy to this newspaper.

After reading the article on Sylvan Way in the West Seattle Herald, I got really peeved. All this city can do is waste time and money.

Why is it only being repaired in the area where the new townhouses are being built? The worst part of that street is not being repaired. There are huge chunks of asphalt broken out east of the area currently being repaired.


Sylvan Way question left hanging

This was a good piece-what would have made it a great piece and so much more informative? How about an interview with whoever is responsible for re-paving the rest of Sylvan Way - with an estimate of when that would be done?

This roadway has been an absolute mess not to mention a hazard for a long time. Several times in the article people mention that they are only fixing a small portion of the road - but nowhere does it mention the rest of the road. This story leaves me asking who is responsible and when.


When will Sylvan Way be finished?

Your story about Sylvan Way lacked one important item. When will Sylvan Way be finished in its entirety including the road past Delridge?

You should have asked that question. This is an important thoroughfare and is the primary route to the airport, I-5, Home Depot and Southcenter from the Gatewood and Morgan Junction area. This road has been in disrepair for years and evidently there are still no plans to improve it. In fact, recent construction projects have made it worse.

No one seems to care.

District action needed

Thank you so much for your support of the community in looking at the four-period day issue at West Seattle High School. Rebekah's article was very thorough and well-researched, and the editorial took a stance that will be sure to generate needed action within the school and district.

Because I have a freshman at West Seattle High School, I have been reluctant to voice my opinion in print, because it is one many teachers do not share.


Four periods ill-serves students

I read with great interest Rebekah Schilperoort's article on West Seattle High School's four-period approach to instruction. As an educator with 34 years experience in university, corporate, and foundation educational settings, I need to speak up for the parents expressing their concerns with the four-period schedule.

I live in West Seattle, support the activities of youth going to West Seattle public schools, and know numerous youth going to our schools from my neighborhood.


Four-period day a winner

I am tired of hearing a minority of whining parents trying to force their views on the silent majority at West Seattle High School. Where is the data to show that they represent "hundreds" of dissatisfied parents? Who has surveyed all of the students' families? No one.

Last night I attended Honors Night for graduating Westside seniors. You will not see a more accomplished group of young adults in any high school, public or private, in this city.
