September 2007

Girls Swimming

Team remains unbeaten

By Dean Wong

After only five meets, the Ballard Beaver swim team has remained unbeaten and has qualified many girls for the state meet that doesn't take place until mid-November.

"They are working very hard and are very talented. They are excited and determined to have a good season," said Head Coach Carlos Palacian.

Ballard has won every meet so far, beating Juanita, Roosevelt, Eastlake and Woodinville.


Sustained by the street

At Large in Ballard by Peggy Sturdivant

When I closed my eyes last Saturday night I could still see litter. It's called retinal fatigue when the days' images continue to play after your eyes are closed. Cigarette butts and more cigarette butts, pieces of Styrofoam, bottle caps, plastic bags fished out of storm drains like weeds with long roots. At first I couldn't stop picking up trash in my dreams.

Five days earlier I'd decided to organize a Northwest 24th Street Clean-up to coincide with first day of the Sustainable Ballard Festival.


Ideas With Attitude

Stereotypes we lived with

By Georgie Bright Kunkel

If you were in school when the Dick and Jane books were the major readers in first grade, you were led to believe that every family lived in a nice house with a father in a business suit who worked for a living and a mother in her apron who stayed home to take care of two children, a dog Spot and a cat named Puff.

Until the late 1960s few challenged the stereotyped family pictured in these early readers.


Ballard wonder woman

Jerry's View

Ballard wonder woman

Vikki Brock owns, sails, and repairs her own trimaran sailboat moored in a marina in Ballard. It is 52 feet long and 26 feet wide and sleeps eight.

She bought it in 1995 and is a certified US Coast Guard 50-ton captain. She took up sailing to satisfy her adventurous side that was not wholly satisfied by riding Harleys and pursuing a 21-year career at Boeing.

Vikki holds an executive MBA from the University of Washington and is completing a PhD in Coaching and Human Development this year.


Notes From Old Ballard: Ross School was first here

In recent weeks we have had the pleasure of learning about Ballard Avenue in its early years thanks to "Passport to Ballard" contributing author Susan Cook. In addition, Dr. Nile Thompson, also a contributing author to the community history book, has told us part of the story of the first known settlers on Salmon Bay, the Shilshole-ahmish people.


The Viking Has Landed

The statue of Leif Erikson is back where it belongs at the Shilshole Marina over undergoing an extensive refurbishing that included. Staff at Artech, an arts preservation company used walnut shells and ground glass to blast away corrosion on the 42 year old statue. It now sits in a new Scandinavian plaza and an unveiling ceremony will take place on Oct. 7, 3 p.m. "It looks better than we ever thought it could be," said Kristine Leander, president of the Leif Erikson International Foundation. Foundation Board member Mary Englund was glad to see the statue refurbished. "It's wonderful.


Run Kid!

Four year old Davyn Waters runs to first base after hitting a baseball thrown by his mother. Waters seemed to enjoy the brand new playing surface at Loyal Heights Playfield.
