October 2007

101 Things to do in West Seattle - A starter list for newcomers, visitors

Editor's Note. Lori Hinton has written this column for over three years and once in a while it is a good idea to take a breath and look back at the long view. Here is a checklist of 101 Things to Do from her now famous West Seattle Herald column titled "101 Things to Do in West Seattle." Don't miss Seattle's first ever neighborhood guidebook: West Seattle 101.


Thanks for coverage

On behalf of all the members of West Side Presbyterian Church, I would like to thank you for your excellent coverage of our renovation and Open House on Sunday, Oct. 7. Thanks in part to your article, the community felt welcome and the open house was a huge success. Several hundred people enjoyed refreshments, tours, and a Ministry Fair featuring dozens of programs and ministries which we offer to individuals and families here in the heart of West Seattle.

I did want to add a special thank you to Tryg Winquist Construction Co.


Explorer error

As I was reading the Explorer, I noticed on page 25 (Neighborhood Parks) an omission. Constellation Park and Marine Reserve should state Lezlie Jane designed the park and created the sculptures. I, Iris Nichols, did the illustrations for the two large murals.

I mention this only because Lezlie has not acknowledged me in the past for my illustrations on this project.

Iris Nichols

West Seattle


Councilman's arrest

I think Richard McIver should step down from his seat on the City Council.He has said he was drunk and if you know anything about abuse behind closed doors, it is not seen and it only gets worse.

Had he been stopped on the way home, he would have had a D.W.I. because the lady that supposed to have interviewed him said he had driven her home to Capitol Hill. I think its time all city people be checked out before entering jobs looking out for us.

Op-Ed - More than about condos

Last week's West Seattle Herald article "Port Cool on condos near Terminal 5" (Oct. 10) may have left the wrong impression with West Seattleites about the proposal by Sound Legacy Partners to develop the former CEM site on Harbor Avenue in Alki.

This project is about much, much more than condos; it's about creating a valuable asset that fosters public access, local business development and job creation, and environmental best practices.


Boren site could be Delridge Commons

The Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association dreams of building a commercial center - a downtown for Delridge - on the Louisa Boren Junior High School site.

First the Delridge Association must persuade the Seattle School District to sell it the property.

The group has hired Ron Sher and his real estate development company, Metrovation, to create a conceptual plan for residential and retail to replace Boren.


Schools will speed up Denny-Sealth project

Escalating construction costs in the region have pressed Seattle Public Schools to accelerate by one year its plans to build a shared Denny Middle School and Sealth High School campus.

The $125 million project is part of the district's Building Excellence III program, which was included in a $490 million capital bond initiative approved in February by voters.
