It's about opportunity; that's the 2008 Boyd Coffee ProStart Invitational in one word. Last week, 10 West Seattle High School students took advantage of that.
The Invitational is a culinary competition that consists of a team of four high school juniors and seniors creating a three-course meal-including a starter, entrée and dessert - in a hour using only two butane burners. If that seems hard it's because it is.
Although that's the main goal, the kids have their own ideas. "I just like cooking as a hobby," says 11th grader Verena Chung.
The rest of the group chimes in with agreement.
"I like to cook, but I never do it at home," says Rhiannan Basil, a 12th grader who will also be competing in the event.
Entering its eighth year, this event has also gained a wide reputation as a hotbed of recruitment. Not only do many top resorts and restaurants seek potential celebrity chefs, but culinary institutes as well. This huge reward undoubtedly increases the pressure on students, but it also increases the quality of work presented.