April 2008

View From the Saddle - Beach Drive is no Congo

There are times when my love of bicycles and bicycling clashes with my view of the world. Case in point is the knowledge I have of the struggle for life waged by the people of the Congo. Approximately 37 million people in this wage-ravaged country are malnourished. Multiple international, non-governmental agencies are at work there to bring basic food supplies to far-flung villages.

Among these agencies is Bread for the World. This agency brings bags of grain to villages that are cut off by roads that are impassable by truck for much of the year. But not by bicycle.


Watch for pedestrians

Will you please remind drivers in the community about the traffic safety problem illustrated in the image below?

Driver 'A' wants to turn right at the intersection they are approaching and looks to their left to see if there is any motorist 'B' to which they must yield the right-of-way. Unfortunately, by looking only to their left they are oblivious to pedestrian 'C' who also has the right-of-way.

Frequently motorists cruise on around the corner unaware they've cut anyone off at the curb.


Thank you!

The Friends of Lincoln Park would like to thank and celebrate eight eighth-graders from Our Lady of Guadalupe School. Izel Villarba, Reid Ellingsen, Rebecca Van-Den-Ende, Megan Kennedy, Karl Merz, Lorenzo Quintos, Kayla Kalie each put in 10 hours of work in the park as part of their community service.

It's been a cold, wet spring, but the young people persevered. They were mature, hard working and responsible.

Alan Hart remembered

As many of you know Alan Hart, owner of Hart's Cards & Gifts unexpectedly passed away on March 27 from a massive stroke. It was not only a shock to our family but also, a loss for our community. Alan thoroughly enjoyed his two months of retirement by living life to the fullest. This included daily trips to the Admiral District to see his friends and visit with fellow merchants.

Over the past month, we have heard from many of you about how Alan made a difference in your life, your family's life or your daily job.

Separate Alki users

In response to the "'Calming' Alki sidewalk plan," (April 16), I'm writing as someone who drives, walks, jogs, bicycles, and hopes to someday push a baby stroller around Alki.

Currently, bicyclists conflict with joggers, walkers, baby strollers, and parked cars throughout Alki Ave/Beach Drive, forcing many bicyclists into conflict with cars.


Why not here?

Was having lunch with my daughter in a very busy fish and chip restaurant that had limited seating, (when) an amazing thing occurred - a polite teenage boy brought his chair from across the room for my daughter to use.

Where did this happen? Not here but in a city in Australia that we were visiting. Our youth today in the United States many do not seem to following the direction of simple lines of courtesy, kindness or caring for others.



Extension of Pro-Parks studied

By Tom Rasmussen

Recently we received a flurry of e-mails from Ballard residents who feared that the cost of the Webster Playground, owned by the School District, had escalated beyond the city's ability to acquire it. Neighborhood residents have developed the playground into a much loved park and last fall the City Council approved funding to buy the property to keep it in public ownership.


Water taxi is back

The Elliott Bay Water Taxi kicked off its seasonal commuter service Sunday morning from Pier 55 to Seacrest Dock on Alki.

Capacity is 250 on the Argosy's MV Sightseer, but only five embarked at Pier 55 for its first 12-minute or so crossing to West Seattle. Sixteen climbed on for the return trip from Seacrest at 9 a.m.

By noon over 100 passengers took advantage of the free ride from Seacrest, which was offered all day.
