May 2008

We lived there

I have lived in Ballard all my life and have been an ardent reader of the Ballard News-Tribune. I occasionally write letters to the editor when I get upset or concerned about issues that concerns my beloved Ballard or I find an error in one of their articles.

As of late I have been very interested in the 17th and 62nd Northwest (Ballard) Corner Park project and articles since I was raised on 17th and 63rd Street. I moved there about in 1983, living in the old family home that belonged to my grandmother and where my mother and her siblings were also raised.


Viaduct Meeting

Find out more about the replacement to the Alaskan Way Viaduct - and voice your opinion as to what that should be - there are various ways.

One is to attend a meeting in Ballard is from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 15, in the cafeteria at Adams Elementary School, 6110 28th Ave.


'Life-cycle analysis' sought for canola biodiesel

Metropolitan King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn, chair of the Council's Regional Transit Committee, has introduced legislation calling for a full "life-cycle analysis" of the canola-based biodiesel fuel blend that is currently being used extensively by the King County Metro bus fleet.

"We need to determine if, in fact, our biofuel policies are worsening climate change and leading to higher food prices around the world," said Dunn.


Spotting water pollution

A group of volunteers gathered in Ballard on a recent Saturday morning to learn how to spot pollution in our local waters and the steps needed to report violators.

The meeting took place at the Puget Soundkeepers Alliance office and the volunteers are called Citizen Soundkeepers. "The goal is to empower you if you see something illegal," said pollution prevention director Chris Wilke.

He distributed a handout with the phone numbers of agencies like the Washington Department of Ecology and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.



In the April 30 issue, the story headlined "Belly dancing helps shape the body," the troupe was misnamed. The correct name is Fat Chance Belly Dance and the head of the Bellydance Superstars is Miles Copeland. We regret the errors.


Sports Briefs

Fulwiler takes over girls basketball program

Derek Fulwiler is the new girl's varsity basketball coach at Ballard High School, taking over for Karen Blair. Fulwiler has been an associate head coach for the boys team the last three years. Before coming to Ballard, he was an assistant at Nathan Hale, where he played basketball and competed in track as a student.


City celebrates first Hylebos Day

State Representative Mark Miloscia gripped his steaming cup of Poverty Bay coffee with both hands as he waited his turn to speak.

He had the look of a man in search warmth on one of those chilling, rainy Northwest days that somehow catches even us locals off guard.

Around him, the melody of the song sparrow and yellow-rumped warbler joined the swish-swish of nylon rain jackets and the beating of heavy spring rain upon a canvas tent, as dozens gathered together last Saturday to celebrate the city's first Hylebos Day and the reopening of the West Hylebos Wetlands Park.


Skip Priest seeks fourth term in Olympia

State Representative Skip Priest announced this week that he will seek his fourth term as 30th District Representative.

The candidate is inviting the public to a campaign kickoff celebration Sunday, May 18, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the Federal Way Courtyard Marriott located at 31910 Gateway Center Blvd. South in Federal Way.

"My number one priority as a legislator is to make our area a better place for the families who work and live here," said Representative Priest, noting that much remains to be done in Olympia.


Friends of the Hylebos honored by Cascade Land Conservancy

The Friends of the Hylebos recently earned the Land Stewardship Award from the Cascade Land Conservancy.

The regional land trust bestowed the award on the Friends at its annual Conservation Awards breakfast May 1 at the Washington Trade and Convention Center.

"Receiving an award from Cascade

Land Conservancy is a tremendous honor and endorsement of our work conserving Hylebos Creek habitat," said Friends' Executive Director Chris Carrel.

The Land Stewardship Award is "for a conservation project that involves a unique or non-traditional collaboration


Murder-attempted suicide plagues FW neighborhood

May 3 - 11:26 a.m., Federal Way Police Officers responded to the 2000 block of SW 353rd Pl, on a welfare check. A 68 yr old Asian male identified as Paul Kim was seen by officers attempting to injure himself with a knife. Officers made entry to the home, secured Mr. Kim and discovered a 67 yr old white female identified as Baerbel K. Roznowski with fatal stab wounds. Medical personnel attempted to revive the victim without success. At 8:13am on May 3, 2008, Kim was served an anti-harassment order, initiated by the Roznowski on May 1, 2008 at King County Superior Court.
