July 2008

New historical street signs remind residents of Federal Way's past

These days, most folks don't know that South 320th Street used to be called Webb Center, or that State Route 99 used to be called the Seattle-Tacoma Road.

A new program to add historical names to local streets signs will hopefully connect Federal Way residents with its history and these historical street names.

Earlier this year, at the request of the Historical Society of Federal Way, the City allocated $5,000 for 21 historical street signs at six locations.

The sign project is consistent with the City's Growth Management Act goal to "identify and encoura


Three teenagers are 13, going on very generous

I recall a woman telling me once at a party, years ago, that her 12-year old was rebelling, starting to date boys too early, and starting to be snappy and surly.

I listened with trepidation, holding my new baby in my arms and wondering how I could avoid this fate.

I remember the woman sighed deeply and saying (something to the effect), "I don't know what good it will do me to correct anything at this point.

"All of those parenting experts say that once your kid hits 13, you've done pretty much all you can do anyway.


Realities of retirement planning

Too many people are taking their retirement planning for granted.

As a nation, we are not saving enough, and we are not informed enough about the true magnitude of the savings challenge that precedes retirement.

How much retirement capital would you need to provide a small, $1,000 per month supplement to your other retirement income? Assume a modest 4% rate of return, don't invade your principal, and leave taxes out of the picture.


Got Food?

I stopped in at the store on my way home last night to pick up some orange juice, and when I got to the shelf there was nothing there.

For some reason the entire section was emptied out, and for a few moments I didn't know what to do.

It was late, there was nobody around that department to ask, so I just left and came home.


Irrational exuberance?

Has there been some "irrational exuberance" in the news about Washington's seniors and their WASL pass rates?

I think so!

The WASL has been recognized as a measurement of 8th grade skills and we are excited that, for the state, the pass rate in English is 91.4 percent!

The Federal Way School District's rate is 95.8 percent.

While this sounds good at first, one has to recognize that this does not include the dropouts.

Federal Way's graduation rate, according to "Diploma Counts" is 56.8 percent.


National reaches the end

AUBURN - It was a sterling summer sports saga that finally reached an inescapable end.

Fresh off a 19-9 elimination of District 3 Aberdeen, hard-hitting District 2 representative South Kitsap Western ended the journey of the Federal Way National All Stars at the 2008 Washington Little League 10-11 age state baseball tournament with an 8-4 loser-out consolation victory against the Nationals on Tuesday, July 22.

After the season-ending loss, there was still a celebration to come for FWN - cookies and cupcakes in honor of manager Tim Robbins’ birthday the day before.


Des Moines has 'perfect recipe' for positive downtown

Des Moines' combination of waterfront and a traditional Main Street is the "perfect recipe for creating a positive downtown core" lawmakers were told July 17.

Des Moines City Council members praised the work of University of Washington senior architecture students following the presentation of their suggestions for connecting historic downtown with the waterfront.

Eight students and their professor, Jim Nicholls, conducted the Storefront Project from April to June, first evaluating and researching the city's Marina District, then developing strategies for enhancing the ar


First Ave. homeowner taxed for construction improvements

Burien City Council members voted July 21 to adjust the assessed added value of the only residential property within the First Avenue South renovation project.

The lawmakers voted 4-2 to reduce the assessed value of Harold and Sheila Dunn's property at 16203 First Avenue South from $16,542 to $10,000.

Deputy Mayor Rose Clark and councilwomen Lucy Krakowiak, Sue Blazak and Sally Nelson voted for the assessment. Councilwoman Kathy Keene and Councilman Gordon Shaw voted against.


Resident makes clay creations

Hidden in a small garage in an obscure and wooded corner of SeaTac are miniature cities and gardens inhabited by countless people, many smaller than your pinky finger.

These are the clay creations of 60-year-old animator, Bruce Bickford.

His garage is filled from top to bottom with what he estimates to be 30 to 40 years of work.

While Bickford can do wonders with a pencil and paper, he is best known for his clay animation, or claymation, particularly his collaborations with offbeat musician Frank Zappa.

His work with Zappa escalated him to cult fame
