September 2008

Poor choice by possible leaders

I have listened to talk shows, read newspapers and gone online and I did not hear anyone speak to, what I think, is an important aspect of today's story about Palin's daughter. Without taking into consideration all the other issues around this particular topic, I find I am very angry and Palin and McCain. As a mother I cannot understand how she would even take a chance of bringing her daughter's difficult and sensitive situation into the public sphere.


Car-free day a success

I made it a point to attend the bike free zone on Alki last Sunday and am pleased with what a resounding success the event was. On a normal basis I try to avoid Alki because of traffic and the chaotic feel of the place. But without cars blaring their engines and music, the atmosphere was one of comfort and general camaraderie.

The day was perfect for a bike ride with just a hint of autumn in the air but comfortable enough to wear a T-shirt.

Playing the Field

It's happened once again this year

My husband's so in love, I fear

With his new mistress, Football Dear

I cease to be, when she is near

From first light, as he leaves his bed

To dark of night, when all's been said

Unless a helmet's on my head

To him I might as well be dead

He craves the action she displays

As down the field she boldly sways



No rose colored glasses

By Jean Godden

The economic news is downright gloomy: King County is looking at a large budget shortfall. So is the state. And we all know the federal government has been borrowing to meet its obligations at home and abroad.

Energy prices are up; housing prices are down. As energy prices cycle through the economy, food and commodity prices are on the rise, and real wages are eroding.

For those of us living in Seattle, the situation is not quite as dismal as elsewhere.


New apt. project gets design nod

A third design review board meeting for the 91-unit apartment complex to be built at 5020 California Ave. S.W. went smoothly last week as representatives from Hewitt Architects explained what the community can expect as far as the look of the structure.

Designers seemed to put thoughtful consideration into the front view of the building as well.


Transit projects will spark delays, congestion

A slate of transportation projects - from construction on Spokane Street this week, to replacing the Alaskan Way Viaduct starting in 2012 - will disrupt traffic and business in West Seattle and several transit programs hope to alleviate the mess.

Transportation staff spoke at an open house on Tuesday, Sept. 9 in the cafeteria at West Seattle High School.

"As much as we don't want to imagine the worst case scenario, West Seattle is going to be impacted," said Dawn Leverett, board president of the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce.


Longhouse grand opening soon

At the time the Denny party landed on Alki Point in 1851, the Duwamish Tribe lived in over 90 longhouses on 54,000 acres in what is now Seattle, Renton and other suburbs.

While Duwamish members assert historic claims, buttressed by 4,000 years of archeological evidence of inhabiting the current Discovery Park, the tribe remains with neither a reservation nor official recognition by the federal government.

On Nov.


Museum seeks items for time capsule

What do you put in a time capsule?

"What will people, 50 years from now, want to know?" Andrea Mercado, director of the Log House Museum asks.

In collaboration with the Seattle Statue of Liberty Plaza Project, Mercado is collecting memorabilia to include in a time capsule to be buried at the Alki Statue of Liberty plaza.

"What can we put in the time capsule now," Mercado asked, "that tells people what was happening back in 2008 that determined the city they live in?"

Included so far are a schedule of events of the rededication, art work created at a
