Dear Green My Ballard,
I heard there were changes to the recycling program. Do you know what they are?
Thanks, Ballard Recycler
Dear BR,
Isn’t it great when recycling just gets easier? And that’s exactly what will happen on March 30, when new services by Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) begin.
To throw out just one factoid that illustrates why recycling is important: All of Seattle’s garbage is sent by train to a landfill in Oregon. And, according to SPU’s recently mailed flyer, our yearly garbage adds up about 7,000 train cars. Ouch.
First of all, thank you for doing your part. Much of the stuff we don’t want anymore can be reused or recycled.
So what will the new program provide? Well for one you’ll be able to put meat and dairy (such as cheese) in your yard waste bin along with other food scraps, including bones. And that container will be picked up every week, instead of every other week.
Also, more items can go into your recycle bin, like paper and plastic cups and plastic plant pots (Woohoo! Figuring out what to do with those plastic plant pots makes me crazy.)