Ballard residents climb to fight breast cancer
Ballard newly-weds Lauren Kisser and Barry Fuchs plan to climb the 10,781 foot elevation of Mount Baker this summer in honor of Kisser’s late grandmother Ellen.
A year and a half ago, Kisser and Fuchs, both members of the Mountaineers, received a Mountaineers newsletter with an ad for the Climb to Fight Breast Cancer.
“It’s funny we both got our own copies so we both were looking at it and I immediately looked at Lauren and said, ‘You gotta do this,’” Fuchs said. “Her family has had a history of breast cancer and she had an interest in climbing Mount Rainier."
Thus created Team Ellen.
Kisser had climbed Mount Rainier’s 14,411-foot elevation last year.
“I was training for Rainier and was going through the preparation and was wanting to do it for the cause,” Kisser said. “(...) My family has a strong history of breast cancer, my mom, my aunt and my grandmother. So eventually it was fate that we’d be doing this."