School chief makes leadership appointments
Superintendent Maria L. Goodloe-Johnson has announced three new leadership appointments for the Seattle School District, including a new executive director of special education, Marni Campbell.
In this leadership role, Campbell will oversee delivery of services to students with special needs, including implementation of a service delivery model that focuses on integrated comprehensive services.
In addition, Goodloe-Johnson announced the appointment of Dr. Jill Hudson as principal of Nathan Hale High School and Henterson Carlisle as interim principal of Madison Middle School. All three appointments are effective immediately.
"The three appointments that I am announcing today are great examples of how we continue to strengthen leadership across our system," Goodloe-Johnson said.
Campbell's school leadership experience reaches back nine years with Seattle Public Schools. She served as principal for Nathan Hale High School for two years and Eckstein Middle School for four years.
Campbell also taught at Lakeside School for two years and at Shoreline and Edmonds community colleges.