Ballard director films new short on the cheap
Filming from the living room of his Ballard apartment, Ballard resident and film director Ian Stone is taking his passion for theatre and experience as an actor to the big screen in his upcoming short film “Foster Child.”
“It’s about protecting the ones you love,” Stone said. “The twisted bit is you basically have a woman who wants her foster child back after (the child) was placed back with the biological mother.”
Stone, who grew up on Whidbey Island, said it was a beautiful place to live, but he admits to leaving as soon as he could, exchanging the island life for the big city to pursue his acting dreams.
“Foster Child” will be his second short film with co-director, producer and lead actress Meredith Binder.
Having been involved in the same play writing workshop, friends always assumed they had known each other for years, Stone said.
“She stopped going to the writing workshop about two weeks before I got there,” he said. “Everyone figured we knew each other, it wasn’t until two years after I stopped going to that group that I met her at a bar.”
Stone said he called her a “bitch” and they’ve been working together ever since.