Sustainable Ballard 'squashes' global warming
At 9:30 a.m. on Oct. 24, members of Sustainable Ballard gathered together in Bergen Place to "squash" global warming as part of International Climate Awareness Day.
Members of the neighborhood group arranged squash, gourds and pumpkins to write out the number 350.
The number 350 represents the parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that scientists say is tolerable to humanity, according to
According to the site, current levels of carbon dioxide are approximately 390 parts per million.
In addition to the squash, the event included a pledge to lower carbon emissions for Ballard residents to sign, a letter to sign to President Obama to support the 350 goal, and a conference call with the Citizen Climate Lobby.
A citywide 350 event was scheduled for later that afternoon at the Seattle Center.
Sustainable Ballard's original plan was to destroy any extra squash if they had more than 350 as a symbol of lowering the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
By 10 a.m., the number of squash was hovering in the mid-250s, but event organizer Andrea Faste was able to put a positive spin on it.