How Dare You Seattle
Over 60 years past a remarkable generation of Americans, our friends, fathers, mothers,grandparents, our youth joined forces during World War ll. Now 62 years later our City of Seattle is planning to desecrate this War Memorial dedicated to our youth who gave their all fighting for our freedoms. Some of those youth were never returned and their resting place is the Memorial Stadium. How dare you Seattle???
Seattle Memorial Stadium was dedicated Thanksgiving Day 1947 to honor this remarkable generation. How soon we forget the sacrifices our youth made going into war directly out of Seattle schools. Shame on you Seattle to even think about desecrating a War Memorial honoring those youth and our future youth. Do we realy need another parking garage in lieu of a War Memorial. This is being considered by the Seattle School District and our City Council at this writing.
Guy Gallipeau
American Legion post 1
5617-45th Avenue S.W.
Seattle, WA 98136