Scared Sick: A West Seattle woman's battle with hypochondria
Editor’s note: This is the third installment of this story. The other installments can be read at the links shown.
Jenny, 28, of West Seattle, is a hypochondriac and is exploring different treatment options. Many people who suffer from hypochondria or severe medical anxiety find themselves in an unhealthy and frustrating cycle that is difficult to resolve.
She realized, with the help of her friends, that it’s time to make changes in her life and get help. Recently, she was unsuccessful at organizing a support group. Treatment for hypochondria is a long and sometimes complicated process.
Now Jenny seems confused and overwhelmed when she thinks about the next step toward a better life. “I’m not sure whether I should look at this from a strictly medical view or from a self-actualization one,” she states.
She has thought about using mental health sessions that her job offers to employees. "I asked at work about counseling sessions and there are a lot of ‘hoops’ to jump through to get them, and since I don't work full time, I might not qualify for all of them.”
Jenny already feels fed up and frustrated.