Spring, and Zoo Doo, is in the air
Dr. Doo, also known as the “Prince of Poo,” the “GM of BM” or the “Grand Poopah,” has been piling Zoo Doo deeper and higher all winter. This means the annual Spring Fecal Fest, the time of year when local gardeners have the chance to purchase Zoo Doo or Bedspread, is here.
According to a Woodland Park Zoo press release, Zoo Doo is the most exotic and highly prized compost in the Pacific Northwest, perfect for vegetables and annuals, composed of exotic species feces contributed by the zoo’s non-primate herbivores.
Bedspread, the zoo’s premium composted mulch, is like Zoo Doo but with higher amounts of wood chips and sawdust. It can be used for perennial beds and woody landscapes, such as native gardens, rose beds, shrubs, tree rings or pathways.
Zoo Doo and Bedspread are available only through a random drawing. For a chance to purchase either, gardeners must send in a postcard from March 5 through March 20.
Gardeners can enter both the Zoo Doo and Bedspread drawings, but separate postcards are required. Postcards should be marked “Zoo Doo" or “B.S.” for Bedspread.