Burien Shoreline Master Programs moves onto City Council after approval by Planning Commission
The Burien Planning Commission voted unanimously Tuesday night to send the Shoreline Master Program (SMP) to the City Council for their approval.
While many changes asked for by shoreline residents were made to the proposed SMP many homeowners are still not happy with the document.
Michael Noakes, president of the Burien Homeowners Association, said despite assurances from the City Staff having their shoreline homes become non-conforming should have no real impact on the owners he is still concerned it could affect loans, property values and the ability to resell the property. There is a lot of unclear language in the SMP and homeowners just do not know how this could affect them, Noakes said, there is a lot about it that is still left uknown.
Burien Senior Planner David Johanson said, after a quick and dirty analysis, out of over 300 residential homes on the Marine Shore, approximately 130 to 135 will become non-conforming if the 50-foot buffer and 15-foot setback for marine properties is approved. There is currently a 20-foot setback for marine properties.