Delridge Produce Co-Op comes up with a plan
The one year old Delridge Produce Co-Op, formed to enable Delridge neighborhood residents to buy quality produce held an important meeting last week in which they chose to answer a fundamental question.
"How do you imagine DPC meeting our neighborhood's produce needs?"
The group came up with some clear and useful answers. A sort of roadmap of goals and desires.
1. Close to home, place to buy healthy produce
2. Accessible by means other than car
3. Resource for food security infrastructure
4. Pesticide-free and grown in clean fertilizer
5. Organic
6. Open to other neighborhoods' members
7. It should be a carefully-grown organization
8. Encourage local farmers
9. Fertilizer-safety education
10. Local fruit gleaning
11. Collaboration with local organizations / cooperation
12. Food preparation education / recipes
13. Affordability through bulk purchasing
14. Low overhead
15. DPC creating neighborhood gardening I.E. square foot gardening
16. EBT - accept food stamps
17. Nutrition education, parent-friendly meal planning
18. Seed-to-consumer planning