Caregivers, receivers brace for battle
D'vorah Kost may be a fixture at the Senior Center of West Seattle, be the professional social worker doesn't hold still very long. She is busy facilitating courses on caregiving, and on mental and physical health there to seniors, and to those caring for them. Her courses have included "Living Well with Chronic Conditions," "Powerful Balance," which helps those vulnerable of injury through falling, "Brain Gain," a memory enhancement course, and "Taking Care of You: Powerful Tools for Caregiving," a free, six-class series beginning May 25.
"The insights gained are helpful whether you are a caregiver or not," said Kost. "It deals with a lot of aspects of being human including stress and communication. If you are a family caregiver you're going to have more challenges than the average Joe, communicating with a loved one with Alzheimer's, a sister who is not doing half as much as you for your mother, your (paid) caregiver not coming in on time, or your health care provider who isn't giving your loved one the proper care."