Nursing home employees, residents speak out against budget cuts
Residents and employees at Ballard Care and Rehabilitation Center came together May 7 to speak our against budget cuts to nursing homes at the state and national level and to sign a petition urging Washington's congressional delegation to fight against further cuts.
Gary Weeks, president and CEO of the Washington Health Care Association, said nursing homes were hit hard in the latest legislative sessions, with $15 million being cut to Medicaid at the state level and $14.5 billion being cut to Medicare at the national level.
There are 10,200 residents in nursing homes in the state, and that number is growing, Weeks said. He said the money being cut is needed to keep a great staff, up-to-date facilities and a high-quality of life for residents.
Sabine von Prevss-Friedman, long-term care medical director at Ballard Care, said margins are not large for nursing homes – any budget cuts are cuts in staff and necessary services.
Ballard Care administrator Angie Davis called the cuts dangerous and unacceptable.