Will your car get broken into?
There were 181 reported car prowls in the City of Seattle over the last seven days of September; a number that beats out any other reported crime in the city over that period.
According to the Seattle Police Department website, “You are more likely to be a victim of a vehicle crime than any other crime reported to the Seattle Police Department. An experienced Car Prowler or Thief can gain access to your car in virtually seconds. In less than 30 seconds, someone could break into a parked car. Most car prowls themselves take less than two minutes. The damage done to locks and windows can be very expensive to repair and cause great inconvenience.”
Car prowls in West Seattle hold to this pattern and in any given week can dominate the police reports. According to Capt. Steve Paulsen, commander for the SPD Southwest Precinct, car prowls, car theft and home burglary are the main focus of police in West Seattle because it is primarily a residential area.
Car prowls top that list in occurrence because they are so easy to pull off, according to Capt. Paulsen.