New officers are selected by Normandy Park Lions Club
Kelly Fox, manager of Normandy Park's Dunn Lumber, has been named the first president of the newly formed Normandy Park Lions.
Kim Parks, Normandy Park Senior Living community relations director, was appointed secretary. The NP Lions meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 7 a.m.. Their new meeting place is the Des Moines Creek Restaurant. The club is sponsored by the Burien Lions Club.
Bill Wippel, who is helping organize the new club, laments about not having a restaurant open early enough to serve breakfast in Normandy Park.
"If a restaurant would have been available, we would have met in Normandy Park," he said.
Lions clubs focus on helping the blind and providing eye glasses and hearing aids for those who can't afford them. Call Kelly Fox at Dunn Lumber, 206-242-1010 for more information on joining the NP Lions Club.