“Carrie and Regnor’s” Winter Solstice Party
The Sunset Hill Community Association and longtime community members Regnor Reinholdtsen and Carrie Gustafson invite the Ballard community to celebrate the shortest days of the year with a Winter Solstice Potluck and party on Saturday, Dec 18.
The winter potluck is a community tradition on Sunset Hill: it was hosted by the adjoining potters Carrie and Regnor on 32nd NW for over a decade. Sunset Hill Community Association is proud to continue the tradition of inviting the community to gather on the Saturday closest to solstice to share food and beverages, enjoy local musicians and have the opportunity to purchase pottery, jewelry, artwork and books by local small presses and authors.
The Hall opens at 5 p.m. for sales and a kids' storytelling hour and the potluck starts at 6 p.m.
Attendees are asked to bring food and beverages to share.
“Carrie and Regnor’s” Winter Solstice Community Potluck and Party is hosted by Sunset Hill Community Association on 3003 NW 66th Street.
For more information, please visitvwww.sunsethillcommunity.com