December 2010

West Seattle Little League will Participate in the 50' 70' Pilot Program in 2011

50' 70' Little League Pilot Program will be offered to our 11-12 year olds.

Press Release:

West Seattle Little League will be participating in Little League's 50-70 Pilot Program in the upcoming 2011 season.

The 50-70 pilot program will incorporate using 50' mounds, 70' bases and will use standard Little League Junior level rules (i.e. runners leading off, stealing, dropped third strikes, etc.). This will not replace the normal 46' 60' Majors regular season games. It will be additional games added on to the normal season. The games will be played once a week at one of the other District 7 leagues where the fields accommodate the 50' 70' distances.

Other than the normal Majors fee there will be no additional cost to the players that want to play in this 50' 70' pilot program.

This new program will allow 11 & 12 year old players (this program is for 11-12 year old major players only, unfortunately 10 year olds and younger cannot play in this pilot program) to experience playing on longer base paths and under baseball rules to better prepare them for the next level.


Seattle Public Schools offers notes on days lost to snow days

Two make up days needed at the end of the year

Press Release:

Seattle Public Schools cancelled school on Tuesday, November 23 and Wednesday, November 24 due to inclement weather and poor road conditions.

Elementary and K-8 students:

No make-up days needed. Make-up days will NOT be added at the end of the school year. This is due to the fact that students were not scheduled to be in classes those two days – instead, parent-teacher conferences were planned for those days.

Parent-Teacher conferences will be rescheduled. Our goal is that 100% of parent-teacher conferences are completed before winter break. Schools will be scheduling a combination of Saturday, late afternoon and evening opportunities to accomplish this. The decision about this scheduling will be agreed by the school, please watch for announcements from your principal or teacher.

Middle School and High School Students:

Two make-up days are required. These are scheduled for June 22 and June 23. The last day of school for middle and high school students moves from June 21 to June 23.

NOTE: If school is closed on other days this school year due to inclement weather, these dates will change.


UPDATE- Slideshow Water main break in Des Moines floods houses

A water main break early this morning in Des Moines flooded several houses and now leaves residents in the area without water while the Highline Water District works to fix the break.

The Water District said they expect to have the water back on by 5 p.m. tonight. About 20 houses connected to the main have their water turned off while the break in the main is fixed.

The water main is 12 inches in diameter, one of the larger pipes used in the district. The largest pipe used in the district is 30 inches in diameter.

According to the Highline Water District a call came in a 6:20 this morning reporting a water main break at 226 St. and 16 Ave. in Des Moines.

Water line breaks are not completely uncommon, happening a couple times a year. Most breaks are caused by construction workers breaking a pipe when they are digging.

Water District officials do not know the cause of the break for this pipe.