UPDATE: Tomorrow, Saturday is Annual Alki Polar Plunge for Special Olympics
Just a reminder that tomorrow, Saturday is the plunge. The actual plunge is at noon, while registration begins at 9:00 a.m. and awards presentation is at 11:15 a.m.
They present the awards prior to the noon plunge as the wet participants tend to disperse to warm up immediately following their exit from the Sound, we were told.
On January 29, Super Special Olympics athlete Zach Smith and his father Norm and the rest of their team will be "Freezin' For A Reason" as they run into the water on Alki Beach as participants of the annual Polar Plunge to raise money for the Special Olympics - Washington, organized by law enforcement throughout the state of Washington. Norm is VP of Athlete Experience, a new job title in the Special Olympics, and on the board of directors. It is a volunteer position.
Norm said that all board members taking the plunge promise to dress in pink and purple tutus. One year the guys wore coconut bras and grass skirts.
The Smiths plunged Columbia Park, Kennewick today, and will do so again at Redondo Beach in Puget Sound Feb. 14. They raise money as a team, involving other fundraisers who will plunge in unison.