Have you ever thought to yourself: "I wish someone would do something about that?"
Many people have issues regarding their neighborhoods such as litter, crime, pedestrian and vehicle traffic, and safety problems near schools.
The Neighbors Without Borders Action Committee was created to address these issues in SeaTac and Tukwila. It came to be when neighbors-- who happened to live in two separate cites-- were discussing various things about their communities they wish would change, including the mess along Highway 99.
With the large amount of pedestrian traffic, especially near the Key Bank at 3434 S. 152nd St, which often blocks vehicle traffic trying to get through the area, a "danger zone" is created and everyone involved is at risk.
"Let's do something about our neighborhood," said Mary Koontz of Tukwila, co-chair of NWOBAC.
"There were the same concerns on this side of the road," said Pam Fernald of SeaTac, also co-chair of the committee.
Fernald also serves on the SeaTac City Council.
The group was co-founded in the spring of 2007 by Koontz and Fernald.