Des Moines resident chews the fat about chickens
The days are long gone, when neighbors wander by and stop in for a cup of coffee or just to chew the fat. "Chew the fat" what an odd saying.
Well, I thought those days were gone, until Des Moines resident Dick Anderson stopped by my micro-chicken farm to admire "the girls." He had read about my chickens in a past issue.
What would a Des Moines city boy know about chickens? Well, he's knows plenty! You see, Dick and his wife, Phyllis (who he affectionately calls, "Phyl"), came from Framingham, Massachusetts, where they ran a 16-acre egg fom. Well, he calls it a "fom," but I know that he means "farm." It's that Massachusetts accent that drops all of the Rs.
They had 900 laying hens and, at times, 7000 baby chicks! Now, that's a chicken farm, to be sure!
However, they didn't start out like that. They were both born in 1927, 18 miles out of Boston, where his parents had about 50 chickens, even though his father's real occupation was a police officer.