UPDATE 2: Duwamish Alive! Earth Day river restoration, volunteers needed
Environmental, tribal, community, and government forces will join together at the semi-annual Duwamish Alive! Earth Day river restoration event on Saturday, April 16th. Starting at 10:00am volunteers will roll up their sleeves at multiple sites along Seattle’s industrialized watershed to perform cleanup and restoration
work in the ongoing effort to keep Seattle’s only river alive.
A special ribbon-cutting and site dedication will happen from 1-2pm at the end of the work party at T-107 Public Access site at 4700 West Marginal Way in Delridge/West Seattle. Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition/TAG, The Rotary Club of West Seattle, People For Puget Sound, and the Port of Seattle have partnered since fall 2010 to improve a hand-carry boat launch for kayaks and canoes, and
design an interpretive sign and memorial bench for the site.