June 2011

SLIDESHOW: Car flips on 48th S.W. after hitting sidewalk

By Patrick Robinson and David Rosen

A car driven by a 56 year old female driver ended up overturned in the 6400 block of 48th S.W. after impacting a sidewalk. The driver was alert and speaking after the incident but did not know how the accident happened.

Once the car was turned over it was obvious that it had sustained substantial damage, ripping off the front bumper and smashing the windshield as well and the roof of the car.

The car left the roadway, shearing off a street sign at the corner of 48th S.W. and S.W. Eddy street.

The victim was transported to Harborview Medical Center by Medic 32 with non life-threatening injuries.


SLIDESHOW: Beach at Jack Block Park opened in ceremony featuring its namesake

Port of Seattle in partnership with EPA opens shoreline area long closed to the public

The Port of Seattle in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has opened the beach of Jack Block Park to the public. The 15 acre park has been open since 1998, but with EPA investment in a protective sediment cap on the beach area, the public can now enjoy the park and shoreline area year round.

Named for Port Commissioner and West Seattleite Jack Block the park is a source of pride for him and he spoke at the event.

"When I started running for the Seattle Port Commission, and I started talking about trails, viewpoints and parks like this, some of the commissioners at the time said, 'If you do that you have to maintain it.' My argument was, 'Yes you do, for the public good. That's part of this mitigation. They are taking all these shore land away from the public and we have to do something for them. This was a 20 year project. It's amazing what you can do with $100 million dollars.
But that's what it took. I remember when we opened this park I was with an official from the EPA. I was giving a speech in which I said, 'I hope I live long enough to see this project completed. That was 9 years ago, and I made it."


Local artist gets her mojo back and is creating again

Alki Arts Gallery’s one-year anniversary will be celebrated there Sunday, July 10, noon to 10:00 p.m. So too will the many artists the cheery storefront represents, including painter, Sheila Lengle.

Lengle, a Highland Park resident and part time sales account manager for Robinson Newspapers, including the West Seattle Herald, has a long background in art and design, and, after some health challenges, is diving back into the professional art world.

“All my life I’ve had creative jobs,” said Lengle. “I had two artisan galleries in West Seattle beginning in about 1995. “The first was called Critical Mass, right across the street from Hiawatha Park. I called it that because I was hoping to bring a lot of artisans together which might stimulate the neighborhood at a point of critical mass and develop into a really strong relationship.


Update 2: Dead Burien man's stolen stuff found next door

Burien man’s house burglarized as he lay dead on floor; cars stolen

Many of the items stolen from a Burien man's house while he lay dead on the floor have been recovered at his next-door neighbor's house, according to media reports. The man's two cars are still missing.
The man has been identified as Leonard A. Werner,69.

Here is a previous King County Sheriff's Office press release:

A man in his 70’s had his house burglarized and many of his possessions stolen after he died. In fact, as he lay dead on the floor. And the suspects stole his two cars as well.

The incident occurred at a house in the 12600 block of Des Moines Memorial Drive in Burien. The victim lived alone, and was last seen by family members about 2 weeks ago. When they didn’t hear from him, relatives came by about 12:45 PM Friday, June 24 and found him dead on the floor, covered by a blanket. The house was ransacked.

The cause of death was not immediately apparent. Detectives believe the items were stolen after the man died.

➢ In addition, the man’s two cars are missing. The help of the public is needed to find the vehicles.

#1. 2002 Dodge Ram Pick-up, blue, license B40611K (Washington)

#2. 2005 Chrysler PT Cruiser, gold, license 515TPM (Washington)


White Center Heights Safe Routes to School works with neighbors to install crossing flags

Coalition of groups works together to improve safety

A coalition led by the Greenbridge Community Action Team, Neighborhood House, King County Housing Authority, the King County Food and Fitness Initiative of WSU King County Extension, and Feet First got together with area residents of the Greenbridge neighborhood in the installation of crossing flags at the intersection of 4th Ave SW and SW 100th St at a pizza party on June 24th.

Pedestrians in this area complain that fast-moving cars often do not stop for children or adults trying to cross here. The placement of flags at the intersection of 4th and 100th is intended to create a safer place to cross by increasing the visibility of pedestrians. This is especially crucial for the many White Center Heights Elementary students who cross 4th Ave on their way to and from school. At this event, neighbors decorated the flags with reflective tape, installed flags buckets on poles at the intersection, learned how to use the flags correctly, and shared healthy snacks.

The event was part of an ongoing “Safe Routes to School” campaign at White Center Heights, following a motor vehicle collision last year which injured a child walking home from school.


Community Calendar 7/22/11

Deadline for receiving items for Community Calendar is 5 p.m. Wednesday for the following week's Times/News. Events are published based on timeliness and space availability. Email submissions to: hteditor@robinsonnews.com
Items can be accepted from nonprofit groups and government agencies only. Others may call Dona Ozier or Sheila Lengle at 206-708-1378 for inclusion in our "Out & About" advertising section.


Burien Press Coffee-Featuring the works of Burien artist Shelli Park. 423 S.W. 152nd St. Festivals


Des Moines Waterland events-Classic BBQ, Des Moines Marina, July 22, 7 p.m., Marina parking lot. Classic Car & Boat Show, Sponsored by Knights Car Club and Powell Homes, July 23, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m., Marina. Waterland Parade, July 23, 6 p.m., Downtown Des Moines. www.destinationdesmoineswa.org.

Burien Concerts in the Park-Thursday nights, 6:30- 8 p.m., Lake Burien School Park, S.W. 148th St. & 16th Ave. S.W. July 21, "85th Street Big Band," free swing dance lessons at 6 p.m. July 28. "The Seatles,. 206-988-3700 or www.BurienParks.net.


Snowy owl chick hatches at Woodland Park Zoo

A snowy owl chick hatched at the Woodland Park Zoo on June 13. The chick marks the first offspring between the mom, estimated to be 22 years old, and the father, 14 years old. The gender of the chick has not been determined.

The parents and chick live in the zoo's Northern Trail exhibit.

“At this time the chick isn’t visible to visitors because the mom is sitting on the nest and providing very good care,” said zoo Curator Dr. Jennifer Pramuk. “Our expert zookeepers are monitoring the owlet, which appears to be in good health. It’s growing very quickly, so visitors should be able to spot it in a week or two.”

In zoos, the snowy owl population experienced a dramatic decline due to West Nile virus, which is spread by infected mosquitoes to birds. Owls and hawks were especially susceptible to the virus, causing acute death. Few zoos have been successful in breeding snowy owls within recent years.


You Are What You Eat: Impress party guests with candied flowers and tasty low-salt cake

To impress guests at your next shindig without the hassle of making frosting flowers, “candy” some flowers by sugarcoating them. You can candy rose petals, pansies, apple blossoms, lilac, or borage as well as leaves of mint, sage, or tarragon. With a slightly different technique, in no time you can also whip up candied nuts, a perfect crunchy addition to many desserts.

Add candied flowers and nuts to a low-salt, kidney-friendly cake. Many cake mixes and self-rising flours have added salt, baking powder and baking soda. Salt is harmful, causing high blood pressure and kidney failure. Most of us eat way more than the 2,000 mg recommended daily limit because salt hides in prepared and packaged foods. Use this recipe to bake a yummy low-salt cake that won’t make your kidneys work overtime.

Hot Milk Cake
Vegetable oil cooking spray
3 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1 cup unsalted butter, cut in small pieces
1 3/4 cups sugar
3 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/4 cups whole milk


Police Blotter: Intoxicated man with knife; woman robbed along 85th; man tased during struggle; welding machines stolen

By Cassandra Baker, Intern

3:30 a.m. on June 23rd. 12th Ave NW and Holman Rd NW

Police officers responded to an early morning call of an intoxicated man wielding a knife. The caller said that an argument broke out while he, the suspect, and others were drinking at an apartment. The suspect then got a knife and closed himself in the apartment.

The officers set up a containment area at the scene. At approximately 4:05 a.m. they found that the suspect had passed out in some bushes behind the apartment building. The suspect was taken into custody, but it is uncertain whether he will be booked into King County Jail.

12:42 a.m. on June 19th. 6th block of NW 85th St

A woman called 911 after midnight on June 19th to report that she had been robbed by a man armed with a gun. She described the suspect as a Hispanic male wearing dark clothes and carrying a brown handgun. She told the responding officer that she was walking home from work along 85th when she saw a man standing on the corner near 6th Ave. The man approached her and said, “Give me the purse,” then grabbed her purse.