First look at Code for America’s Block Watch Finder tool and a reminder to block watch captains
The West Seattle Blockwatch Captains’ Network had a chance on July 29 to take their first close look at what will eventually become a web-based community tool for blockwatch captains to identify their watch group online so that those interested in joining can simply enter their address and find out who to contact.
The tool is being developed with complete flexibility for the sake of anonymity. While some captains will be happy to include their name, address and personal email address, the tool will allow those concerned with anonymity to keep that information private (and, for example, use a generic email address for inquiries about joining the watch).
The Block Watch Finder tool is being developed by Chach Sikes with Code for America under a one-year fellowship with the City of Seattle. It is a subset of the larger program (also still in testing but available to tinker with online now) called CityGroups which is a public directory of groups in Seattle.
Reminder to blockwatch captains about testing on July 30, 31