Early election returns: YES on Ref-1, McDermott for KC Council, Sundquist & McLaren top two for School Board
With just under 20 percent in Seattle and just over 20 percent of all registered voters' ballots received so far, the deep bore tunnel gets a boost as Referendum-1 is ahead two-to-one, and anti-tunnel candidate and West Seattle resident Michael Taylor-Judd finishes forth (behind Jean Godden, Bobby Forch, and Naurice Classen, all pro-tunnel advocates for Seattle City Council Position 1.
Incumbent Steve Sundquest and Marty McLaren are ahead of Joy Anderson and Nick Esparza in that order. Two will go on to the general election.
So far King County Council member and West Seattle resident Joe McDermott is ahead 67 percent to Diana Toledo's 27 percent and Goodspaceguy's 5 percent.