August 2011

Golden Gardens Playground dedication brought pirates and music

By Christy Wolyniak, Intern

After two years of planning and preparation, Golden Gardens has a brand new playground to liven up its beachfront.

What used to be green space is now a full playground complete with a large pirate structure with slides, swings, and climbing ropes called the “Explorer Dome.”

Funding came from The Parks and Green Spaces Levy, which began afresh in November 2008 thanks to a 59 percent vote from Seattle citizens.

“[Everyone] knew we were going to be in an economic crisis, and still Seattle put their parks first,” said Don Harper, Citizen Oversight Committee member for The Parks and Green Spaces Levy.

The $146 million levy funds improved athletic playing fields, existing and new neighborhood playgrounds, and open green spaces.

“This park is more fun for everybody [now]. It’s a different kind of park. People usually come with their families, and since kids can’t walk here, it’s more of a destination,” said Sue Goodwin, Recreation Director for Seattle Parks and Recreation.


UPDATE: 32-year prison sentence in Steve Bushaw murder trial

Update for Sept. 16
Bryce Huber was sentenced to 32 years in prison on Sept. 16 for the murder of 26-year-old Steve Bushaw.

Late last month, a King County jury found Huber guilty of first degree murder as the mastermind behind the Bushaw's shooting death in front of Talarico's on Feb, 1, 2009.

The two actual shooters, Danny O’Neal, Jr. and John Sylve, pleaded guilty to second degree murder charges and will be sentenced at the end of this month.

There was a hung jury on murder charges for Brandon Chaney, the alleged getaway driver after the shooting and King County Prosecutors are currently considering a retrail.

Original post on Aug. 30
A King County jury found Bryce Huber guilty of first degree murder in the Steve Bushaw murder trial on Aug. 30. According to court documents, he was considered the mastermind of a revenge plot to murder the victim for a home invasion robbery they believed Bushaw to be involved in.

Bushaw was shot in front of Talarico’s in West Seattle’s Junction on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 1, 2009.


Fitness 19 to open at the end of September in Ballard

Ballard's newest fitness club will open around September 20, said construction superintendent Larry Eneix.

Built by Pennon Construction, Fitness 19 will occupy 8200 square feet at 5680 24th Ave N.W., across from the QFC.

The club will stand out from the other Ballard gyms due to the low cost, brand new equipment, and no classes, said Eneix.

The club is giving Ballardites an extra incentive to sign up early by reducing the monthly-fee to $12.

"Twelve dollars is hard to beat," Eneix said. "The club will have all brand new equipment, 60-inch flat screen TVs, surround sounds, a separate free weights room with rubber mats, tanning beds and a recreation room for kids and babies."

For more information, visit their enrollment center, located next to Majestic Bay Theatre.


Mark your calendar - Nine-day closure of the SR 99 Alaskan Way Viaduct begins Oct. 21

Viaduct demolition will set stage for opening of new section of SR 99

A nine-day closure of the State Route 99 Alaskan Way Viaduct will mark the beginning of the end for Seattle’s double-deck highway.

At 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 21, crews working for the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) will close the majority of the viaduct until 5 a.m., Monday, Oct. 31.

During the closure, crews will demolish large sections of the southern mile of the viaduct, and complete temporary connections to a new SR 99 bridge now under construction on the west side of the viaduct in SODO.

Northbound viaduct closure details:

· Northbound SR 99 between the West Seattle Bridge and South Royal Brougham Way will be closed around-the-clock beginning at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 21 to 5 a.m. Monday, Oct. 31.
· Northbound SR 99 between the South Royal Brougham Way on-ramp and the Battery Street Tunnel will open from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, and for special events at CenturyLink Field.

Southbound viaduct closure details:

· Southbound SR 99 between the Battery Street Tunnel and West Seattle Bridge will be closed around-the-clock beginning at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 21 to 5 a.m.


North Highline Unincorporated Council Sept. 1 meeting will feature the King County Sheriff's office

Major Graddon and Captain Hodgson are scheduled to appear

The September 1 meeting of the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council will hear from Burien City Manager, Mike Martin as well as Major Graddon and Captain Hodgson from the King County Sheriff's office.
Meetings are held at the North Highline Fire Station 1243 SW 112 St. White Center

Here's the agenda for the meeting:

September 1, 2011

7:00 pm Call to Order – Flag Salute – Roll Call -
Approval of Agenda – Approval of Minutes

7:05 pm Public Announcements
7:10 pm Public Comment
3minutes for Individuals
5 minutes for Groups

7:15 pm Mike Martin, Burien City Manager
7:20 pm KCSO – Major Graddon/Captain Hodgson
7:25 pm NHFD – Chief Marstrom

7:30 pm Matt Preedy, Director of South End Construction
7:50 pm DeAnna Martin, Community Relations Planner, KCDOT
8:00 pm Jay Osborne and Theresa Canfield
King County Capital Improvement Program

8:20 pm Corresponding Secretary Report
8:25 pm Committee Reports
Arts and Parks
Public Safety
Housing and Human Services
Public Outreach

8:30 pm Unfinished Business
Storefront Deputy Petition
NHUAC Contract
NHUAC future


UPDATE: SLIDESHOW- Emergency WMD drill at SSCC a success

"Chemical hazard" located, area "decontaminated" & first aid applied in exercise


South Seattle Community College held an Emergency Response Training Exercise today, Tuesday, from 8:00am-5:00pm. The exercise, “Seattle Storm” simulates a Weapons of Mass Destruction chemical hazard threat at the north end of campus, in the Landscape Horticulture area. Participants involved in the exercise include the 10th Civil Support Team, US Army North (USARNORTH)-Bravo Division, Seattle Police Department, Seattle Police Department Bomb Squad, and Washingtoon National Guard J3 Domestic Ops.

Commander Matthew James was there to call a lot of the shots.

This realistic exercise is scenario-driven and focused on recognizing and demonstrating the ability to meet incident objectives when faced with a potential Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) threat.

The two-part exercise concludes Thursday, September 1, 2011, at Seattle Central Community College. That exercise will involve a simulated dirty bomb radiological device.


Ballard's Fred Meyer installs two charging stations for electric vehicles

Back in February, we reported that charging stations for electric vehicles would soon be coming to Ballard and as of last week, they are here. Fred Meyer is the first company in Ballard to have installed two public charging stations.

Manufactured by Blink, the charging stations are outifitted with SAE J1772 connectors - the industry standard and most widely compatible connector used for electric vehicle charging in the United States.

According to Blink, the charging stations offer "a competitive differentiator and reason for customers to stop, shop, and eat."

Earlier this year the Office of Economic Development announced they would provide businesses with free electric vehicle charging stations as part of the EV Project.


SLIDESHOW: Are You Ready for Some Junior Football?

The Southwest Athletic Club is practicing for the new season

There is not going to be a strike in Junior Football this year. All the players, coaches and management have agreed to play and work together. So everyone must be happy with their salaries, right? WRONG! There are no salaries of any kind because everyone volunteers. Yes, people giving of their time, freely and willingly.

Also interesting, only half of the coaches actually have kids that play in the program, so it’s the love of the game that keeps them coaching and teaching young people. The football players themselves, ages 7-14 also give their time to the program. They could be at home playing video games, watching TV, be on Facebook, texting, hanging out, or many other things. Instead they put on their uniforms and go to practice and games. That goes for the cheer squad too. Being involved in sports is very important at this age.

That’s where they learn about teamwork, make new friends and learn how to win and lose. As for the parents, it gives them the “that’s my kid” feeling. For friends or family it’s the knowledge of knowing someone playing in the game, it’s all good.


Burglar feeding dogs tops police blotter

Burglar is a pet lover
A home located at 13600 block 24th Ave. S. was broken into while the owner was at work. The victim returned home and found that a side window in the garage had been smashed out. An unknown number of suspects entered through the window and then broke open the interior door to the house. They got away with a few pieces of jewelry, laptop and a TV total value on nearly $10,000. It is suspected that they removed the items back through the window in the garage as all the deadbolts were still engaged. The home owner also noticed that they suspects had fed her two small dogs. There is no suspect information available at this time.

Fight over hair braids

Small and Simple Projects Fund opens Sep. 1 for applications

Special emphasis on emergency preparedness; Workshops scheduled to assist applicants

Press release:
The 2011 Small and Simple Projects Fund, a program of the Neighborhood Matching Fund, will be open for applications beginning on Thursday, September 1 for the fall cycle. The fund is open to all eligible applicants and project types.

In recognition of Emergency Preparedness Month this September, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods (DON) and Seattle Office of Emergency Management (OEM) encourage community members to apply for funding to help them organize and engage their neighbors and plan for emergency and disaster situations.

The deadline for the Small and Simple Projects Fund for awards up to $20,000 is Monday, October 17 by 5 p.m. Community members can also apply to the Small Sparks Fund for awards up to $1000 with applications accepted year-round. To learn more, visit
