Golden Gardens Playground dedication brought pirates and music
By Christy Wolyniak, Intern
After two years of planning and preparation, Golden Gardens has a brand new playground to liven up its beachfront.
What used to be green space is now a full playground complete with a large pirate structure with slides, swings, and climbing ropes called the “Explorer Dome.”
Funding came from The Parks and Green Spaces Levy, which began afresh in November 2008 thanks to a 59 percent vote from Seattle citizens.
“[Everyone] knew we were going to be in an economic crisis, and still Seattle put their parks first,” said Don Harper, Citizen Oversight Committee member for The Parks and Green Spaces Levy.
The $146 million levy funds improved athletic playing fields, existing and new neighborhood playgrounds, and open green spaces.
“This park is more fun for everybody [now]. It’s a different kind of park. People usually come with their families, and since kids can’t walk here, it’s more of a destination,” said Sue Goodwin, Recreation Director for Seattle Parks and Recreation.