Burien City Council weighs crime element of White Center annexation
The numbers show that White Center/North Highline may be getting a bad rap when it comes to crime.
Data presented to Burien’s City Council during a special session about annexation on Aug. 22 by King County and Burien police concluded that crime rates in Burien and White Center are “pretty similar,” as Capt. Carl Cole, day-to-day operations manager of the Burien Police Department said.
The city council had asked City Manager Mike Martin to put together a presentation on what crime issues the city would be taking on if they annexed and the results, at least by the numbers, is more of the same.
Capt. Cole came up with two numbers to illustrate the comparison. He found Burien had a crime rate of 49.9 crimes per thousand people over a 10 month period from April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011. North Highline had a rate of 56.76, based upon an estimated population of 17,600. The captain said North Highline’s actual population is hard to determine and his “stats guy” said there was a margin of error of plus or minus 2,000 people.