Girls donate to Burien shelter for dogs
It was heartbreaking for animal lovers everywhere when news broke that a Burien house was raided Oct. 6 in a case of animal hoarding. Officials found 38 dogs in varying stages of distress, 9 of which had to be euthanized straightaway.
“We saw it in the paper and they (the animal shelter) said that they really needed donations to help the dogs,” says Madeline. “We knew that we definitely wanted to donate.”
Madeline and her friend, Annie, are both 10-year-old fifth-graders at Marvista Elementary School in Normandy Park and together raised $155, which they donated to Burien’s Community Animal Resources Education Society (CARES). CARES is overseeing the care, housing and ultimate adoption of the dogs.
Both girls were inspired to help based on their own devotion to dogs. Madeline counts her corgi, Twinky, as a best friend as does Annie of her Chihuahua, Captain Widgetmeyer.
“I love dogs,” says Annie. “They’re fun to cuddle with and it feels like they really understand us.”
A few years ago, they began walking neighborhood dogs after school and on weekends to earn money. It was their personal savings along with contributions from neighbors that they donated to CARES.