Put the new stadium in White Center
I had to laugh when I heard that carpetbagger Chris Hansen, the San Francisco hedge-fund manager who wants us to help him build a basketball arena in Seattle, said he would pay for traffic studies.
Talk about the fox guarding the henhouse.
After the Mariners objected to the plan to plunk an arena next to the baseball stadium we are already paying for, Hansen apparently has decided to play an additional card.
I think it is a bad plan from the get go. We already have disagreeable traffic congestion on days when the Mariners and Seahawks play. Hansen wants to add more traffic and use the big parking garage used by the Mariners.
Remember: Hansen wants to put up only half the money. You and I will be asked to put up the rest. If you have forgotten, you have helped one of the world's richest men build a stadium for his football team.
What is wrong with people?