April 2012

Showcase your talents at the Open Auditions for the “Des Moines Got Talent” concert on Wed., August 8, 2012

Press release:

The Des Moines Arts Commission is looking for talented local performers to audition in the areas of: music, dance, theatre, comedy, poetry, novelty and spoken arts.
At this open community concert we want to showcase local talent. We plan to select a variety of artists who display creativity, excellent talent, great showmanship and broad audience appeal.

How to audition: Call the Des Moines Parks Dept. @ 206-870-6527 or send an e-mail to
recreation@desmoineswa.gov for audition details & to schedule your audition slot.
Auditions will be held in 20 minute increments on:
A. Fri., April 13 from 6-9 pm,
B. Sat., April 14 from 1-4 pm
C. Sun., April 15 from 2-5 pm
at Highline Community College, Bldg. 7, Des Moines, WA. 98198
(campus map: http://maps.highline.edu/index.php/ )

The deadline to sign up for the auditions is 3 pm, on Friday, April 13, 2012.

Sponsored by the Des Moines Arts Commission, Parks, Recreation & Senior Services, Des Moines Legacy Foundation & 4 Culture.


Police Blotter Week of 4-2-12

Something in particular
On March 19 a man who rents a basement apartment on the 5700 block of S.W. Spokane St. came home in the early afternoon to find his place in disarray. Someone broke in through a basement bathroom window and, as the reporting officer put it, “his bedroom had been completely ransacked. Drawers rummaged through; the trashcan had been overturned; luggage pieces from the closet had been opened and checked; miscellaneous personal items, paperwork, etc were strewn everywhere … the refrigerator door was open.” Oddly, usual-target electronics were untouched, including a laptop and digital cameras. High-end alcohol in the kitchen was ignored and the only thing that appeared to be missing was a hunk of chocolate taken from the fridge and partially bitten away. The victim and responding officer concluded the unknown suspect(s) must have been looking for something in particular, although the victim had no idea what that might be.

Yank, pull, give up

UPDATE: Lincoln Park attacker pleads guilty, avoids trial

Starkenburg also pleaded guilty to separate child molestation charge

How quickly things can change in a day.

Duane E. Starkenburg was set to go to trial this week for three assaults in West Seattle's Lincoln Park.

Instead of facing a jury, Starkenburg pleaded guilty this afternoon to all charges related to the park in addition to an unrelated child molestation charge.

He faces 8 1/2 to just under 11 years in prison when he is sentenced on Friday, April 13.

Here are the details from Dan Donohoe with the King County Prosecutor's Office:

A man charged with attacking women joggers in West Seattle pleaded guilty this afternoon. Duane E. Starkenburg, 47, whose trial was set to begin this week, pleaded guilty to two counts of Assault Second Degree and one count of Assault Third Degree with Sexual Motivation for assaulting three women joggers in West Seattle's Lincoln Park in 2010 and 2011.

In each assault, Starkenburg would grab a female jogger and plant his face into the victim's buttocks.


Annual Norwegian Heritage Day introduces people to the culture of their ancestors

Hundreds came out to the 21st annual Heritage Day at the Leif Erikson Lodge last week, an event that was started to introduce the public the crafts, food, and culture of Norway. 

The day started with the fifth annual 5k Leif-to-Leif fun run and walk, which takes participants from the Leif Erikson Lodge to the Leif Erikson statue at Shilshole and back. All participants received waffles and a Norwegian flag.

Among the runners were Kristin Lie from Everett and first timer Holly Dannowitz of North Dakota. 
Dannowitz, in town to visit her boyfriend, who is the son of a Norwegian immigrant, said the Heritage Day and Taste of Norway was "a really great learning experience". 

"I didn't realize there were these nooks of Scandinavian heritage in Seattle. It's really neat to have a festival dedicated to one's cultural heritage. I kind of felt like I was at my grandma's house," said Dannowitz, who's three-quarters Norwegian.

A feast for the eyes, ears, and mouth, Heritage Day and Taste of Norway took place at the Leif Erikson Lodge following the 5k run and is intended to showcase Norwegian culture. 


SLIDESHOW: The 2012 Safeway Bagging Challenge for Autism Awareness Month won by Tracy Taylor & Erika Swanson

Safeway and Easter Seals are raising money at stores across the state; King 5 news people competed

Safeway stores and Easter Seals Washington are kicking off Autism Awareness Month with the 2012 Bagging Challenge at the West Seattle/Admiral District store at 2622 California Avenue S.W.

The event marks the beginning of Safeway’s month long promotion to raise money for Easter Seals at stores across Washington State.



SLIDESHOW: Sea Lion feeding attracts Seagulls off Duwamish Head

West Seattle Herald reader Jenn provided a tip via Facebook that a Sea Lion was actively feeding and was surrounded by Seagulls off of Duwamish Head and Anchor Park Sunday morning April 1.

Reporter/Photographer David Rosen was dispatched to investigate and saw the sequence you can view in the slideshow.

The gulls appeared to be looking for scraps from the Sea Lion's vigorous feeding.


Sea Lions are opportunistic feeders, according to www.marinemammalcenter.org, "feeding on squid, octopus, herring, rockfish, mackerel, and small sharks."
