The boy with 'golden eyes' continues journey in second book
Sam Wolf is no ordinary child. He possesses strange powers, is the proper heir to a fantastical kingdom, and finds himself traveling the world to a magical, far-off land called Rasha-sharan. Oh, and he has golden eyes.
Well, at least his doppelganger in the book series, "The Boy with Golden Eyes" (, can do all that. And he will continue to do all that in the second book in the series, "The Boy with the Golden Eyes, Book 2: The Prophetic Journey," which is set to come out soon.
The real-life Wolf -- who is the cover art subject and the inspiration for the books' protagonist, Rupert -- is a fairly normal kid for his age. He doesn't have any strange powers or golden eyes (sorry to disappoint), but he likes math, has met Bill Clinton, and has a self-proclaimed psychic/healer for an aunt -- Ballardite Marjorie Young, author of the book series. (Full Disclosure: Young also pens Ballard News-Tribune's monthly column, "Psychic View.")
While some might be bummed that Wolf might never be the hero depicted in Young's "non-fantasy fantasy" novel, there is still a lot of potential in his future.