At Large in Ballard: Live from the Garden
I had never set foot in THE Ballard P-Patch until the 12th Annual Art in the Garden event on August 4th. A friend who had to be out of town asked if I would mind her vendor table of gift cards for an afternoon shift, relieving her sister-in-law. I saw it as an opportunity to write a column “live” from the garden while earning a commission.
I failed on several counts but succeeded in others. As usual I did flitting rather than sitting and outspent any potential gains (in fact I had no gains). Now that I've rinsed off the dry dirt and insufficient sunscreen of a smoldering Saturday I'm ready to tally my pluses. I've spent the day surrounded by dahlias and artists, the sound of live music and the fruits of gardens, while being passed from passionate gardener to passionate gardener like a hot potato. Plus there's the organic peach pie (includes pie plate!), a basket of dried fresh herbs, framed herb print poster and pages of notes.