Hottest show in Burien? —“Dancing with the Lawmakers”
What’s the greatest show in town?
There’s a new contender in Burien—the City Council public comment session, 7 p.m. the first and third Mondays of the month. It’s Live! at City Hall or on government access Channel 21.
During the last episode on Oct. 1, dog owners brought their pets to the public comment session to ask lawmakers to support adding an off-leash dog park to the park board’s master plan. The owners’ comments were intermixed with occasional barks and heavy panting (from their canines.)
The upcoming show on Oct. 15 promises a choreographed dance to a re-imagined “Imagine” by John Lennon.
Perceptive audience members will correctly interpret the dance as a warning that Burien shouldn’t settle for apartments-only development in the remaining Town Square condos.
More detailed interpretation will reveal the dance calls for “a mix of retail and restaurants, maybe a boutique hotel, maybe a larger art-house movie theatre, or other regional large-draw attractions, including other arts and cultural amenities. And definitely more green space!!”