At Large in Ballard: Grateful Voices
About two weeks after the overall sense of glory and pride in book sales, community connections and sheer attendance at the Ballard Writer’s Collective: The Big Event I finally started to come back into my body. The raffled gift baskets had been delivered and costs reimbursed; the buzz in my head and on the street was abating. When I realized it was mid-December panic set in over what wasn’t accomplished in 2012.
This wasn’t the year I worked on my own book, but it was the year that my husband and I were completely attendant during his mother’s final months, with its low points and its triumphs. It was the year that other Ballard Writers and students did the hard work of turning long-held dreams and hundreds of revisions into published works. It was a year of writing too many endings but holds the promise of a first: being asked to marry two friends.
Sorting all my “to do” lists I found column ideas and quotes on the usual mélange of receipts and re-purposed envelopes; some of them time-sensitive with too few weeks left in 2012 print space. Other notes pertain to accomplishments that are ongoing or will be timeless.