Tukwila police investigation finds excessive force charges are unfounded
The Tukwila Police Department issued a statement Jan. 17 saying that all charges that officers used excessive force in the May 12 arrest of brothers Jahmez Amilli and Charles Chappelle are unfounded.
Here is the police department’s statement:
Description of Incident
The 12 May 2012 arrest of brothers Jahmez Amili and Charles Chappelle by Tukwila Police officers was a recent subject of news coverage. Selected portions of police in-car videos were aired on television news.
The brothers claimed officers used excessive force, sprayed water into their forced opened eyes, failed to provide medical aid and drove them around for five hours unnecessarily.
The police department was asked to comment; but at the time of the news stories, we felt it necessary to fully investigate before doing so. Providing information, which may be incomplete or inaccurate does not serve the interest of the public, or foster public trust.