Letter: Burien appears to be benefitting Port at expense of city taxpayers
I attended the School board meeting on June 26, 2013 and it was the first time I was allowed to view the information on the surplus school land sale to the City of Burien. What I found especially interesting was Rose Clark/Burien council member standing up and telling the School Board that the approval of this sale was time sensitive as the ground had to be broken for this storm water facility by the City of Burien by this fall.
I regularly attend and follow Council meetings and have never heard about the land deal, the monies that are available for it and how much Burien citizens will have to contribute to this developing this facility.
If this is so urgent of an issue, why hasn't it been discussed at any recent council meetings? Why hasn't there been open public disclosure on what is going on in NERA, and who will really be responsible for this storm water facility and the expense to develop it?
Please see the letter attached I submitted to the Highline School District School board at this meeting.
June 26, 2013
To: The Highline School District School Board/ Highline Schools