Teachers to picket on Market and 15th today, 3 p.m.
Teachers will be picketing at 15th Ave NW and NW Market St as part of a citywide to protest the Seattle School Board's "unfair" contract settlement.
It will be one of four highly visible locations that they will be picketing at. The other three are Rainier Ave and MLK, the west end of the West Seattle Bridge and outside Northgate Mall.
In an update email sent out by Seattle Public Schools, they explained where they were at in the negotiations.
The email reads, "We have been negotiating since spring and are committed to continuing discussions with SEA. We are hopeful that a fair agreement will be reached that focuses on the best interests of our students. We have been working to reach an agreement that supports increased achievement for all of our students and our collective commitment to close the achievement gap."
Among the highlights, they say, are:
- Compensation: they are increasing salaries by four percent over the next two years and are fully restoring a 1.3 percent salary reduction that was mandated by the state legislature
- No class size increase